We’re here to help you bring your vision to life! Whether you’re planning an intimate wedding, a corporate event, or a grand celebration in Rome, our team is ready to provide expert guidance and customized services tailored to your needs.
Via Mario Menghini 95, 00179
Roma, Italia
Write to us
Lun - Sab;
8:00 - 19:00
9:00 - 13:00
Fill out the form below for a free consultation. Let us know the basics about your event, and we’ll be in touch to discuss the details and show you how we can make it unforgettable.
RYBA EWA TERESA Elegant-Events Organizzatore di eventi
SEDE Via Mario Menghini, 97
00179 Roma RM
P.I. 07713791007
C.F .RYBWRS67H45Z127Y.
rybaewateresa@pec.it REA RM-1085091